NSPIRE-V: Email from Richard Monocchio dated Friday, June 14, 2024:

I would like to provide an update on the implementation of the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and Project-Based Voucher (PBV) programs, or “NSPIRE-V.” We have heard from many agencies that implementing NSPIRE with so many other new HUD regulatory requirements has been challenging, and that they are concerned they will not be able to meet the compliance deadline of October 1, 2024. In response to these reasonable concerns and our desire to implement new requirements effectively, I will issue an extension to the compliance date for NSPIRE-V for one year, until October 1, 2025.

PIH will re-issue the original NSPIRE-V notice with updated information in light of the extension. HUD published the original NSPIRE HCV Administrative Procedures notice on September 29, 2023. PHAs should also watch for an announcement in the Federal Register once the HCV extension is final.

This email provides highlights of the extension that will be clarified in the Federal Register and updated HCV Administrative Procedures notice in the coming weeks.

Housing Quality Standards Extension

The original NSPIRE HCV Administrative Procedures notice provided information about implementing the NSPIRE inspection protocol and announced additional time for PHAs to retain the previously defined Housing Quality Standards (HQS) as their inspection standard until October 1, 2024. The re-issued notice will articulate actions PHAs can take to meet the new compliance extension date of October 1, 2025. This notice will be published in the coming weeks.

It is important for PHAs to note that the NSPIRE Standard for Carbon Monoxide Alarms will still apply during this extension, because it implements Congressional requirements already in effect.
Soon, HUD will update the NSPIRE Smoke Alarm standard to implement the requirements enacted in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, for either hard wired or sealed, 10-year batteries smoke alarms. PHAs will be required to be in compliance with this new standard before December 23, 2024, even if they are still under the previously defined HQS standard.
The Visual Assessment Standard for Potential Lead-Based Paint Hazards still applies, as NSPIRE did not revise the existing requirements under 24 CFR Part 35 Subparts M (Tenant-based Rental Assistance) and H (Project-based Assistance).

PHAs that have existing approvals for acceptability criteria variations will still need these approvals reviewed by HUD, but this deadline is extended to before October 1, 2025. All current acceptability criteria variations and alternate inspection methods can remain in place until HUD completes the review unless they included approval of fuel-burning space heaters. Approval of their use as a variation concluded on January 1, 2024. PHAs with questions on variations can email NSPIREV_AlternateInspection@hud.gov.

Helping PHAs Implement NSPIRE

HUD has developed training that includes a combination of PowerPoint presentations, infographics as well as instructional videos that are posted on the NSPIRE website. The latest training for the HCV program on the HUD Exchange, includes video demonstrations of how to inspect items under NSPIRE. For more information, visit the NSPIRE homepageand sign up for the mailing list to be alerted to new trainings and technical assistance products. Questions can be sent to NSPIRE@hud.gov.

We all have vital roles to ensure HUD residents live in safe homes. We appreciate your partnership and diligence as we implement NSPIRE-V for the Housing Choice Voucher program. Thank you for your tireless effort to improve the lives of the families we serve each day.

Many thanks,

Richard J. Monocchio
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
Office of Public and Indian Housing

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