HIP Implementation: Email from Dominique Blom, General Deputy Assistant Secretary, dated Monday, June 17, 2024:

Dear PHA Executive Directors:

As you are aware, HUD is transitioning from the existing Inventory Management System/PIH Information Center (IMS/PIC) to a new system called the Housing Information Portal (HIP) that is under development. PIH Notice 2024-12 (HIP Implementation Notice) announced steps that would happen in the summer and fall to transition from IMS/PIC to HIP, including a shutdown of IMS/PIC in late summer and the anticipated onboarding of PHAs to HIP starting in the fall of 2024. This message notifies your agency that the schedule published in the HIP Implementation Notice will be revised in the coming weeks as HUD is not ready for the transition and critical dates will be extended.

This decision to provide additional time to implement HIP is due to several factors. Most importantly, HUD believes revising the HIP delivery schedule is necessary to ensure that our programs do not experience interruptions in service or potential delays that could affect families. Additionally, we have heard your feedback; many PHAs and industry groups requested to delay the HIP implementation citing lack of readiness on the part of the PHAs, their software vendors, and HUD. Recently, PHA software vendors encountered technical issues in the initial testing phase of the 2020 version of the HUD-50058 forms. HUD will resolve these issues before transitioning to HIP.

HUD will not shut down the IMS/PIC system until the new HIP system is thoroughly and successfully tested and ready for PHAs to use. This means that the 2020 versions of the forms (including the fillable 50058) and all critical inventory management capabilities must be fully ready in HIP. HUD still anticipates needing time between when IMS/PIC is shut down and HIP is available to complete data migration between the systems. HUD will work to minimize this transition time.

HUD is also discussing the feasibility of delaying the compliance date for Sections 102 and 104 of HOTMA in part to allow for HOTMA-compliant 2024 versions of the 50058 forms to be developed in HIP. These sections were implemented through the final rule “Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016: Implementation of Sections 102, 103, and 104” (88 FR 9600). As a reminder, under the current requirements in Notice H2023-10/PIH 2023-27, PHAs must set a compliance date no later than January 1, 2025.

HUD is working to revise the HIP implementation schedule. To ensure implementation success, we will share the revised schedule with you and PHA software vendors. Once we have discussed and incorporated PHA software vendors’ feedback, we will reach out to you with updated guidance and the newly revised schedule.

Actions PHAs Should Continue

In the meantime, as outlined in the HIP Implementation Notice, you should continue to review your tenant data in IMS/PIC and make any necessary corrections to support a smooth transition to HIP. PHAs should also continue submitting HUD-50058 forms and any necessary inventory data as they normally would. Also, PHAs that operate Public Housing programs must review their Building and Unit data in IMS/PIC, make any updates, and submit their Building and Unit data for approval in IMS/PIC. A job aid with instructions is available on the IMS/PIC Job Aids page.

Suspended Actions

The July 1, 2024, deadline for submitting demolition/disposition applications to the Special Applications Center (SAC) will also be extended. You no longer need to submit demolition/disposition applications by July 1. We will issue additional guidance for the new deadline after HUD revises the delivery schedule for HIP.

Moving Forward

We have heard your feedback and are committed to developing and releasing a fully functional HIP system once it is ready. HUD appreciates your shared commitment to the millions of families receiving HUD assistance. We will continue to collaborate with you and your software vendors to ensure that the transition and implementation are successful. I want to thank you for your continued partnership.

Many thanks,

Dominique Blom
General Deputy Assistant Secretary

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