Grants Management Suite
Create, implement and track grants, plans (projects) and contracts. Easily identify and define grant properties and funding sources. Integrated design allows for the efficient retrieval of data from Elite.

Grants Management
The Elite Grants Management module tracks and reports all grant activity for the PHA. Users can keep track of the grant year, obligation and expense dates. Grant line items contain the essential financial elements of a grant, and users have the ability to identify the grant line item’s general ledger accounts. In addition, the grant line item allows for the tracking of the main account segment.

Plan Management
The Elite Plan Management module serves a dual purpose. First, the module provides the functionality for tracking need assessments. Basically, the module affords the housing authority to build and track future plans to be implemented.
With that information, users can forecast grant requirements. Plan Management also includes a forecasting section that allows users to create grants from the forecasting data. Second, Plan Management is used to track the implementation of a plan from start to finish.
Contract Management
The Elite Contract Management module tracks Grants Management contracts setup by the housing authority. The module allows the user to create contracts with contract line items that link bank to plan line items, which link to grant line items. Contract Management gives users the ability to: define a contractor, identify a contract ID and description, enter the contract start and end dates, enter the actual start and end dates, associate the contract to a plan, set a limit amount, define a default retainage percent and execute the contract.

Property Management
The Elite Property Management module tracks all capital asset information used by other Grants Management modules. When a Property Management object (unit, building, building system, common area, real estate parcel, site management or dwelling equipment) is referenced on a grant or contract warranty, users will be able to easily see the grant or warranty in the Property Management module.
Grant Explorer
The Elite Grant Explorer module offers a unique research and query tool, in which grants, plans, contracts and finances are linked together and easily researched. Grant Explorer replaces countless reports needed to pull the required grant data together
Work Write-Up
The Elite Work Write-Up module automates the tracking of a project’s schedule of values. The module allows PHAs to enter and track detailed work activities for projects.
Correspondence Tracking
The Elite Correspondence Tracking module keeps communication from others in one concise location. Communication threads can be easily tracked and followed-up in one place.
Get the Grant Management Feature Sheet
Whether you’re looking for information on our housing modules or our mobile / online offerings, our data sheets are a great place to start. The data sheets provide a detailed break-down of our different modules, with information spanning functionality, features and key benefits. The data sheets also contain screenshots of the products.